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SWCA sa stáva členom asociácie Watercoolers Europe / SWCA - member of Watercoolers Europe

Romanian Association – ARDA

ARDA is the Romanian Watercooler Association, founded in 2014 in Bucharest and is the newest member of Watercoolers Europe. The mission of this organisation is to ensure that all of its members offer the highest standards of quality, safety and hygiene in the watercooler industry. Because it is very new, ARDA has only three Co-Founder members: two watercooler bottler/distributers - Cumpana 1993 and La Fantana, and one important supplier in the market, Greiner Packaging. La Fantana is the Romanian market leader, followed by Cumpana; with more than 85% market share, these are the two largest companies in the Romanian Watercooler industry. The third member, Greiner Packaging, is an important supplier of polycarbonate bottles, cup dispensers and plastic cups.

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Slovakian Association – SWCA

The latest addition to Watercoolers Europe membership is the new Slovakian Watercooler National Association - SWCA.

The association is still in its early development, but already has been legally incorporated and being entered into the Commercial Register.

The Association was formed by AQUA PRO and Dolphin, which were in 2000 the first pioneers on the Slovakia market, representing more than 60% of the market.

In addition to the elected Chairman, Ing. Radoslav Liker from AQUA PRO, impetus and substantial help with its formation was received from Ab Olde Scheper of Dolphin. Ab has over 25 years’ experience in the watercooler industry having established Dolphin Water in the Netherlands in the early 1990’s.

The new association has obtained premises which include a meeting room for training and other events and its Secretariat activities will be undertaken by Silvia Macalova. According to its Chairman; “Establishment of SWCA is only a first step in long term view”.

The immediate challenge is the implementation of European standards with plans including lobby work at the Slovak authorities and other organisations.


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